Maksym Krippa: how the "fake man" hides millions in revenue from illegal casinos

The criminal trail of Maksym Krippa has many stories. A dozen criminal cases have been initiated against the "businessman" concerning his "Vulkan" casino. The activity of the online catalyst has spread throughout the CIS countries.
But now Krippa is not laughing. The websites of the underground casino are being blocked in all the countries where it used to operate, bringing huge funds to its founder, and dozens of criminal cases have been initiated against him in the fraudster’s homeland. Therefore, Krippa desperately tries to hide his criminal trail under tons of fake information. But he failed to consider one thing: there are law enforcement and court registry data that cannot be deleted even for large sums of money.
As practice shows, Krippa manages to successfully solve his legal problems. But from the watchful eyes of journalists, it is impossible to hide the massive law violations that Krippa allowed himself.
We continue to unravel the tangled criminal history of Maksym Krippa, which he carefully tries to hide under hundreds of fictitious materials.
Business Empire
Previously, we recalled that Krippa is associated with the activities of 11 companies in Ukraine.
List of enterprises where Krippa is a founder and beneficiary
Most interestingly, apart from the companies, Krippa was registered as a sole trader. He provided services in the field of law. How a scammer, who is the organizer of illegal online casinos and slot machines, can provide legal services is a rhetorical question. It seems like it was another facade for covering up illegal activities.
By the way, regarding Krippa’s activity as an individual entrepreneur: he still has a tax debt. Krippa ceased his legal activities only in December of last year.
Information on the tax debt of sole trader Krippa M. V.
Studying the registers, it can be concluded that all the companies of the "fake-man" conduct economic activities exclusively to cover up the dirty deeds of their founder. Krippa’s entire business is unprofitable. Some companies ended up with a slight deficit, but others have fallen into a real abyss.
According to the register data, Krippa owns 99.99% of the shares in LLC "Midal," which is engaged in renting real estate. The enterprise incurred nearly 22 million hryvnias in losses (about 550,000 dollars) in 2022.
Financial statement of LLC "Midal"
Strangely enough, this company also appears in criminal cases. The latest procedural decision was made quite recently — in November 2022. The case, entered into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations under number 420211100000000108 from April 29, 2021, is qualified under part 2 of article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (abuse of power or official position).
Data from the criminal case against LLC "Midal"
The investigation found that officials of the elite settlement Kozyn near Kyiv illegally transferred several land plots into ownership, some of which are in the coastal zone, which is prohibited by the Water Code of Ukraine. One of the land recipients is Krippa’s company "Midal." The investigative actions against corrupt officials and the criminal business of the "fake-man" are ongoing.
In the same Koncha-Zaspa, Krippa bought an entire recreation base from the state for 311 million hryvnias (8 million dollars). Notably, the purchaser was the familiar company "Midal," which figures in the criminal case of illegally obtaining a land plot.
Recreation base in Koncha-Zaspa owned by Krippa’s structures
Krippa is also the founder and beneficiary of the enterprise "SLV-P." This company has a non-typical main activity profile, as it is engaged in water transport maintenance. As you can guess, this case also has criminal implications. Krippa’s business (alongside many other enterprises) is suspected by law enforcement of fraud. According to the data from the register of criminal proceedings, Krippa’s company, together with other criminal entrepreneurs, entered into a criminal conspiracy with officials of KP "Pleso" (a municipal enterprise of the Kyiv City State Administration) to unlawfully take possession of non-residential premises belonging to the municipal enterprise.
Instead of the desired property on Trukhaniv Island in Kyiv, Krippa’s enterprise received not only a criminal case but also the seizure of its property. The relevant decision was made by the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv.
Can’t hide from crime
This is only part of the accusations brought against Krippa. In the vast array of criminal cases initiated against the fraudster, one can get lost. It turned out that he is mistakenly associated exclusively with the illegal online casino industry and the porn business.
Everything turned out to be much more serious and complicated. It is not surprising why Krippa nearly daily posts dozens of fake materials about himself. The criminal has a lot to hide. And as we see, there are more skeletons in Krippa’s closet than we could even imagine.
The criminal history of the fictitious entrepreneur stretches over decades; he is suspected of financing terrorism, organizing illegal gambling, large-scale fraud, tax evasion, and bribery.
All this will sooner or later lead to the "hero’s" conviction. As we can see, all of Krippa’s efforts were in vain; the vigilant eye of journalists uncovered all that the "fake-man" so wanted to "forget." But this is only the beginning of our investigation into the criminal activities of the "Vulkan Casino" founder. To be continued, Maksym Volodymyrovych should not relax. The most interesting is yet to come.
Continuation soon…